Know Your Numbers
Know Your Numbers During a heart check up, your doctor takes a careful look at your "numbers," including your cholesterol and triglyceride levels, your blood pressure and more. Knowing your numbers is an important part of keeping your heart-healthy. It can help you and your doctor know your risks and mark the progress you're making toward a healthier you. To get a quick overview of numbers you need to know and the goals you need to reach, use the following chart. If you choose, you can even post it on your refrigerator as a reminder to love your heart. Then read on to learn the steps you can take to reduce your risk for heart disease. Once you know a few key facts about your numbers, you'll be on your way to mapping out a heart-healthy lifestyle for you and your loved ones. A1C** Fasting blood glucose (sugar)/ blood sugar before meals (mmol/L) Blood sugar two hours after eating (mmol/L) Target for most people with diabetes 7....